
little looms

I'm having so much fun with my giant loom! I think Max caught the fever too because he came home from school one day and excitedly told me that he was weaving in art class. It's one of those paper weavings, remember those? He knew all about "over under, under over" and felt like he should help me on my latest weaving. Which I loved for all of 2 minutes, and then suggested we make him his very own loom. So we did!

John got some kid friendly (not kid friendly at all, just small) hammers and we let the kids knock together their own looms. I gave them freedom of shape, which is why Max's and Lola's are different.

Most of the tutorials out there for looms suggest using nails for the warp, which is great in most cases since they are cheap and easy. But to make these safer for kids, and a little cuter, I used push pins. 

I threaded them (the warp) and then the kids chose the colors they wanted to weave.

This is such a fun, easy, and inexpensive project. It's fun to be able to share something you love with your children. One rainy, chilly night Max and I were both weaving in front of the fire and I have to say- it was cool.

**The first image and this last image is Max's work- solo, without help. I provide the yarn, but he is creating a weaving all his own.

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