
woven wall hanging

Weaving is a trend I've wanted to try for so long. I love the work of Maryanne MoodieJeannie Helzer- ugh, there are so many more but my list would be a mile long. It's so inspiring and just organically artistic. 

I could have just started small and purchased a lap loom, but I never go that route. I have tunnel vision and I wanted to go BIG. So, I made a giant loom using this amazing tutorial. Honestly, I was so determined, I made this in one day!

And then started. And it's so fun. It's so, so fun. I made a small one, just so I didn't waste any of the yarn if I really messed up. 

And that's the story of my first woven wall hanging. I love it. It's not perfect, but it's cute and quirky. I tried some different techniques and some different yarn and know what to do and what not to do next time. So, that's the thing. There will be a next time because I've fallen in love with this craft. Many, many more next times. Because, like the Carpenters once sang, "Weave Only Just Begun". And because of the wise words of Journey, "Don't Stop Your-Weaving".

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