
babyfood : coconut date balls

Well, this recipe isn't exactly rocket science.  The kids both really like dates, but they are too tough for Lola.  We always used to get coconut date rolls from Whole Foods, but they are pretty expensive.  They are perfect though because they are soft enough for Lola to eat, and the coconut keeps them from being too sticky.  So, I just mashed up the dates we had along with some very finely chopped almonds, rolled them in balls and covered them with coconut.  Very yum.

Disclaimer #1- I used an immersion blender, only because I don't have a mixer.  It would be much, much easier with a mixer.

Disclaimer #2- I did not let Lola use said immersion blender.  That one was just for a cute picture.  I do let her stand on the bar stools.  Pick your battles, parents.  I am always right next to her...

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